Personal Injury Lawyer Lake Worth TX

Motor Accident – The Law Offices of Matthew M. Vincent is a personal injury law firm. We can assist you in recovering damages if you’ve been in an auto accident, boating accident, motorcycle crash or any other motor accident.

Insurance companies know that if their insured injures somebody on a motorcycle there is a high probability of significant damages. Therefore, it is important you don’t hire an attorney who doesn’t have experience in motorcycle cases.

Dog Bite – Happens more than you think. Once you establish ownership, the dog’s owner pays for everything, yes everything.

Wrongful Death – It’s hard to imagine what somebody goes through when somebody dearest to them dies as a result of the negligence of another.  

Slip and Fall – Call today to speak with an attorney who knows about slip and fall cases or trip and fall cases. The attorneys at The Law Offices of Matthew M. Vincent in Lake Worth know that owners that hold their premises open to the public owe a duty to persons who enter.

Product Defects – Did your cellphone blow up in your pocket? Did that cream burn your face off? Well, time to get paid, not played.

Loss of Consortium – Call the personal injury attorneys at The Law Offices of Matthew M. Vincent in Lake Worth today to discuss a possible loss of consortium action. Situations sometimes have collateral damages. Even if your spouse wasn’t involved in the accident with you they still become effected by its blow to the injured spouse.

Contact us for a free consultation at (817) 725-9111. Law Offices of Matthew M. Vincent, the valleys most sought after personal injury lawyer serving Lake Worth, TX.

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